Keynote - Too much of a good thing: finding the balance - Mary Poppendieck

Keynote - Too much of a good thing: finding the balance - Mary Poppendieck

Festival Agile Trends 2021

26/02/2021 1:48PM

Síntesis del Episodio "Keynote - Too much of a good thing: finding the balance - Mary Poppendieck"

Efficiency is a good thing. But during the pandemic, super-efficient supply chains collapsed, leaving us with shortages of everything from personal protective gear to flour for baking bread. It’s time to pay attention to the principle that “There is no such thing as an unmitigated good.” We have learned during the pandemic that efficiency needs to be balanced with resilience, that autonomy must be balanced by the common good, and that impossible challenges often lead to remarkable creativity. Great products are the result of great tradeoff decisions – striking just the right balance between competing values. This talk is about how the skillful use of challenge, tension and diverse perspectives can help make excellent choices. ------------- Todos los vídeos del Festival Agile Trends en: ¡Conoce Autentia! - Twitter: -Instagram: - LinkedIn: - Facebook:

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