Episodio 28 Lance Fensterman - President of Reed Pop

Episodio 28 Lance Fensterman - President of Reed Pop

Universo Expositor

04/12/2020 3:35AM

Síntesis del Episodio "Episodio 28 Lance Fensterman - President of Reed Pop"

Lance is President of Reed Pop which means he´s captain of this spaceship and he´s responsible for charting it´s course through the galaxy of pop culture goodness Lance had a dream and created the ReedPOP brand way back in the day with the help of the amazing team he works with. He helmed the RX Star Wars Celebration deal with Lucasfilm, drove the Emerald City Comic Con acquisition, the MCM Comic Con acquisition, created C2E2 from scratch, brought PAX to Boston, San Antonio and Melbourne while also launching new shows in Paris, Seoul, Shangai, Vienna, Philadelphia, Singapore and many more!!!!

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