Síntesis del Episodio "Hunting rojas"
Banda sonora original de la película SORDO Tema: HUNTING ROJAS Compositor: CARLOS M. JARA
Escuchar "Hunting rojas"
Más episodios del podcast SORDO
- Sordo
- Rosas theme
- Bosch and the wolf
- Let him be sergeant
- The bridge
- Arrival to the town
- The bandit the horse and the knight
- Deaf in the night
- Dont move
- The pleasure of killing an enemy
- Hunting rojas
- Rosa and anselmo
- Darya
- A girl who knew how to shoot
- I hate women like you
- Meeting
- Broken inside
- Friend
- Dreams
- Take the art out of its den
- Caudillo
- Luna serena
- Do not look rosa
- San martín
- Simplemente perfecto