Síntesis del Episodio "Lost souls"
Banda sonora original de la película POSEIDOS Tema: LOST SOULS Compositor: JAN P.A. KACZMAREK
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Más episodios del podcast POSEIDOS
- Lost souls
- Father lareau arrives
- Exorcismus
- Mayas lullaby
- Who is peter kelson
- Bedford church choir
- Walking into the unknown
- Violent variation on mayas theme
- Breaking the code
- Maya meets peter
- Birdsons eyes open
- Peter is lonely and afraid
- Driving to confront maya
- You are that man peter
- Whats behind the pictures
- Xes - is there hope
- Haunted house of father john
- The pentacle
- The bridge
- Father lareaux possessed
- The last exorcism
- Satans church
- Last ride
- M a y a
- Lost souls - end credits
- Postscriptum