Abundance - abundancia / intention tunes

Abundance - abundancia / intention tunes

Podcast de daniel1469

20/05/2014 6:29PM

Síntesis del Episodio "Abundance - abundancia / intention tunes"

quien me ayuda a traducir esto y subo mas: “Music that really does change your life!” Introducing Intention Tunes: transformational melodies infused with positive intent for a lifelong symphony of abundance, health & enlightenment What you’re about to experience on this page is fun, quirky, maybe even a little peculiar—but I promise you it works! Intention Tunes are based on the power of intention setting. You see, setting an intention is probably the most powerful and effective way to spark positive change and take control of your life. Intentions speak directly to your subconscious and when you set an intention, you will find that the Universe seems to work on your behalf and amazing things will start to occur. It all began with a little experiment I ran a while back on the power of intention… “I know it’s possible to infuse intentions into objects and people,” I thought to myself, “but what if I could infuse an intention into musical notes? And what if I then played those musical notes back to other people?” Excited at the prospect, I got to work. I wrote and played dozens of songs on my piano, each with a different intention. Some encouraged abundance. Some were to attract that special someone. Some were for health. Amazingly, many of the people whom I played these tunes to reported incredible results. My Intention Tunes weren’t just working—they were changing people’s lives in unbelievable ways. Coincidence or miracle? Take a listen and judge for yourself! • The Abundance Tune for turning yourself into an unstoppable money magnet (look out for sudden cheques in the mail, opportunities manifesting out of thin air…) • The Career Tune to help you get that dream job, get that raise and get that promotion • The Attraction Tune for attracting that special someone into your life (will you meet them in a park? At work? On the street? Expect the unexpected!) • The Life Purpose Tune to help you identify and pursue that one thing you were born to do • The Healing Spirit Tune for profound physical, mental and spiritual healing (perfect for getting rid of a headache!) • And a variety of others for good luck, positivity and affirmations! From abundance to health to sexual attraction, there’s an Intention Tune for almost anything! So clear your mind, take a listen, and prepare for surprising results…

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