Interview With John Lindsey from Lindsey Self Storage Group

Interview With John Lindsey from Lindsey Self Storage Group

Mundo Self Storage

02/10/2020 6:10AM

Síntesis del Episodio "Interview With John Lindsey from Lindsey Self Storage Group"

The AESS (Spanish Association of Self Storage) interviews John Lindsey John is the CEO of Lindsey Self Storage Group, one of the leading companies for sale and buy self storage facilities in the US. They also operate in Europe and in Asia Alberto, Vice President of the AESS and CEO of Trasteros Plus. They will chat about: - The beginnings of the company - Where is Lindsey Self Storage Group today - Objectives in the medium and long term - Operations and projects on the table - Differences between the American and the European Self Storage market - Potential of the European market in Self Storage in the next 7-10 years - And much more

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