Reaching the moon

Reaching the moon


11/10/2020 8:20PM

Síntesis del Episodio "Reaching the moon"

To finish this great story, Neil wrote me a letter before he died where he explained exactly how the trip to the moon was (sheets of paper) The letter said that he had to go through a long training, among those were knowledge tests, strange physical tests, he also had to pass survival tests like in the desert or the jungle, many theoretical tests, he had to learn orbital mechanics and geology. Apollo 11, that's the name of the ship it was on, was launched on July 16, 1969, the ship had 3 stages, those were the ones that helped us reach the moon, when they passed a layer of energy that is outside the planet, it worried him a bit, because if his suit had any flaws he could die, because of those energy particles they have great radiation that are deadly In the letter it says that they reached the moon on July 19, 1969, when he got off the ship Neil took great photos of space, he felt a great tranquility and loneliness on the moon that at the same time he was very afraid, Neil analyzed the terrain and the space it had to move, also did some studies on lunar gravity while there Another study he did was to see if the temperature with the suit changed whether or not he was in the shadow, of the 22 hours that Neil was on the moon he could only be 2 hours outside the ship. That was what the letter that my dear friend left me said, I didn't think that work was so exhausting, Neil was a very brave person. I have no doubt that my friend fulfilled everything that he set out to do, like his family, I am also very proud of him. Many Americans keep talking about being a great man and I hope it continues like this and that they never forget it. And this was my diary entry, I hope you liked it and that you have understood a little more about the Neil Armstrong video (sad music)

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