Musical Alchemy Special Episode - A Mystical Musical Adventure Ep 03

Musical Alchemy Special Episode - A Mystical Musical Adventure Ep 03

Deep In Sessions

31/05/2023 7:09PM

Síntesis del Episodio "Musical Alchemy Special Episode - A Mystical Musical Adventure Ep 03"

The oasis of sounds In a distant future, Earth has become a soundless desert. A nuclear war has devastated the planet, leaving behind a barren and silent landscape. The few survivors have taken refuge in underground bunkers, where they live isolated and fearful. One day, a young girl named Lila decides to go out and explore the outside world. Her grandfather has told her stories about what life was like before the war, when the air was full of music and laughter. Lila is curious to know that lost past and gathers courage to go to the surface. She takes with her an old music player that her grandfather has given her. It is an old and worn device, but it works with solar energy and has a collection of songs recorded on a hard drive. Lila turns it on and puts on the headphones. Suddenly, her world is filled with wonderful sounds. Lila walks through the desert, following the sun. She feels happy and free, as if she were in another world. She doesn't care about the heat or the loneliness, she just wants to listen to more music and discover more things. After several hours of walking, Lila sees something that catches her attention. On the horizon, there is a green spot that contrasts with the ocher tone of the desert. Lila approaches cautiously and realizes that it is an oasis. It is an amazing place, full of life and color. There are leafy trees, exotic flowers and a crystal clear lake. But the most surprising thing is that there are sounds. Natural sounds, like the singing of birds, the murmur of water and the whisper of the wind. Lila takes off her headphones and stays open-mouthed. She can't believe what she hears. It's like she has entered a dream or a movie. She approaches the oasis and feels a sense of peace and harmony. Suddenly, she hears a human voice that greets her. - Hello, who are you? -says the voice. Lila startles and looks for the owner of the voice. She sees a young boy who is sitting under a tree, playing a guitar. He has blond hair and blue eyes, and wears simple and colorful clothes. - Hello... I'm Lila -answers Lila shyly. - Nice to meet you, Lila. I'm Leo -says the boy with a smile-. Welcome to the oasis of sounds. - The oasis of sounds? -asks Lila intrigued. - Yes, that's how I call this place -explains Leo-. It's the only place in the world where there are still natural sounds. I live here alone for years, taking care of the plants and animals, and creating music with what I find. - How is it possible that this place exists? -asks Lila amazed. - I don't know for sure -admits Leo-. I think it's a miracle or a blessing. Maybe it's a gift from nature to compensate for all the damage we humans have done to it. - It's incredible... -says Lila admiringly. - Do you like music? -asks Leo changing the subject. - Yes, I love it -answers Lila enthusiastically-. My grandfather taught me to appreciate it and gave me this player with many songs. - Can I listen to it? -asks Leo curious. - Sure -says Lila offering him the player. Leo puts on the headphones and listens to some songs. His face reflects surprise and emotion. - Wow! This is amazing... I've never heard anything like this -says Leo marveling-. What kind of music is this? - It's pop music -answers Lila-. It's the most popular music before the war. - I like it very much -says Leo-. It has a lot of energy and rhythm. Can you teach me how to dance it? - Sure -says Lila laughing-. It's very easy and fun. Lila takes off Leo's headphones and puts the player in speaker mode. The music fills the air of the oasis with its contagious joy. Lila takes Leo's hand and teaches him some basic dance steps. Leo follows her clumsily at first, but soon he loosens up and lets himself be carried away by the music. The two young people dance non-stop, laughing and looking into each other's eyes. They feel happy and connected, as if they had known each other forever. The music makes them forget everything else: the war, the desert, the silence... There are only them two and the oasis of sounds.

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