T4E14: Set bridges to connect the community with Edla, Miguel, Joao - Atelier Hurbanos

T4E14: Set bridges to connect the community with Edla, Miguel, Joao - Atelier Hurbanos

Arquitectura a pata

24/04/2024 4:23AM

Síntesis del Episodio "T4E14: Set bridges to connect the community with Edla, Miguel, Joao - Atelier Hurbanos"

In this episode, architect Edla from Angola, architect Joao from Brazil, and geographer Miguel from Angola took us on a narrative journey to learn about the processes of Atelier Hurbanos in Luanda, Angola. We were talking about how they have taken a community-driven approach to placemaking, involving locals in the design and construction process. Also, how they transformed public libraries under bridges into a vibrant community space, in order to create tactical urban interventions and aim to build sustainable projects. Edla, Miguel y Joao think education is a key focus, teaching urbanism at small, local scales to change the relationship and meaning of public spaces.Remember you can find us on our Instagram as @arqapata and all podcast platforms, YouTube and our web page.Keep following us in our footsteps!

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