My opinion of virtual education in times of pandemic

Jasmeiris Hernández 3-738-1297 Virtual education in the pandemic In times of quarantine, the education sector had to adapt to the needs of teachers and students to continue the learning process. Current and future challenges. Teaching remotely through a cell phone, or a computer as a university student has filled me with experiences and learning from this new normal. There are advantages and disadvantages to this way of studying. Advantage : • We receive classes from distance teachers we share with our classmates. • We receive support from our families, • we can work and study • We save money Disadvantages • Much Distraction: • being at home, but with children they tend to be more attached to us, • Distraction with the tv, radio, cell phones, bad signal of networks. Other examples of advantages • You will have schedule flexibility • You will save money • You can finish your studies • You will have an official ttitle • Wide range of study • You can study at your own time Let's move forward each class week in a new experience. Thanks for your attention.

My opinion of virtual education in times of pandemic

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